Our Vision
Founded in 1983 Bruce Allbright Agency Inc., was from inception a cotton producer oriented marketing organization. Bruce Allbright recognized the need for tailored marketing services for the San Joaquin Valley cotton grower. SJV cotton represented the epitome of medium staple, irrigated, high quality cotton production hailed worldwide as the best of the best. The farming units were larger than average and many growers owned cotton gins or were partners with other large growers. ACALA cotton was in high demand in both domestic and global markets yet producers still sold on traditional trading terms to merchants, brokers, and co-ops typical of smaller farmers around the cotton belt. These very special sophisticated farming operations did most things on a professional basis yet sold their commodities like any other small producer. At the time there was one or two super large producers that attempted to develop marketing programs and skills in house and one still does. Bruce recognized the opportunity to organize larger SJV producers into a marketing force to be reckoned with. Maintaining their pricing independence and individual risk tolerance, Bruce designed and executed custom marketing plans for ACALA cotton on a fee basis.
Most large scale cotton production had morphed into permanent crops due to the increasing cost and regulation of irrigated agriculture. With an unrelenting war on production agriculture by environmental zealots created a dramatic change in the landscape of cotton production in California. Farmers were faced with unrelentless challenges and forced to adapt by leveraging skills and ingenuity in a higher quality fiber, Extra Long Staple PIMA cotton became the cotton crop of choice in the San Joaquin Valley. SJV producers have become the dominant producers of the worlds finest cotton known as Supima Cotton.
More widely known as Allbright Cotton, we changed with the times and embraced the high quality production of SJV Supima and Acala Cotton. SJV Supima production is supplemented by pockets of high quality ELS production in a handful of SW states, Arizona, New Mexico and SW Texas in addition to Upland. Allbright Cotton represents top quality farmers who take extreme pride in their farming practices. Not only to provide the best quality but are very conscientious of contamination and take above and beyond precautions to prevent stickiness. To complement that, in 2017, Allbright Cotton was the first US Cotton Merchant to make a major investment in a sticky testing machine called “The Contest” made by Mesdan of Italy. The Contest Sticky machine is housed in our state of the art lab in Hanford California and is considered the Gold Standard by our Spinning customers all around the world for honeydew testing.
Allbright Cotton is very proud to say that we are the ONLY US OWNED independent cotton merchant operating in California. And the ONLY US Owned ELS Cotton merchant operating in the entire USA. With over 130 years of combined Senior Management experience we are proud of our American roots and embrace the challenges of returning the highest possible returns to our farming. Achieving the Cotton Marketing Goals for our farmers is our highest priority.
The Allbright Cotton Team